Personalised Learning
In Castlederg High School we recognise that all pupils are individuals with their own aspirations and learning styles.
In order to help our pupils attain their full potential we encourage
them to:
Set personal targets with short and long-term goals;
Engage in regular self-evaluation of their progress;
Identify personal strengths and areas for improvement;
Review their personal targets with their form teacher;
Engage positively with the Mentoring Process;
Attend Literacy and/or Numeracy Club, if invited.
As a school we make effective use of a range of data to:
Identify each pupil’s level of attainment at the beginning of each year;
Predict each pupil’s potential level of achievement at the end of each Key Stage;
Track each pupil’s level of progress within Key Stage 4 and 5;
Identify underachievement and implement a Mentoring programme which involves the pupil, parents and a Teacher Mentor to help the pupil focus on their achievement;
Stream pupils in classes according to their level of achievement in English;
Set pupils in classes for Mathematics according to their individual progress;
Write Literacy Education Plans or Numeracy Education Plans for individual pupils who are under-achieving in English or Maths. This involves setting targets and working with the pupil’s to achieve them;
Invite Key Stage 3 pupils to Literacy Club after school;
Invite underachieving Key Stage 3 pupils to Numeracy Club after school.
Gifted and Talented
We recognize each pupil as a unique individual with their own particular gifts and talents and are committed to developing their full potential. Whilst all pupils are equally valued for their gifts and talents, we at Castlederg High School aim to recognize and develop those pupils who have the potential to achieve to a level beyond their peer group. For this purpose, gifted and talented pupils are recognized as those who have the potential to achieve to a level beyond their peer group.
Gifted and talented pupils are identified as those who excel in one or more of the following areas:
Academic achievement
Performing arts
Creative thinking or expression
As a school we promote the interests of gifted and talented pupils through:
a strong emphasis on personalised learning;
high quality learning and teaching with an emphasis on differentiation to provided extended learning opportunities;
access to a wide range of visiting speakers and educational visits;
creating a culture of high expectation and aspirations;
separate streaming for the core subjects of Maths and English;
the provision of additional subjects to extend pupils learning eg. English Literature, Further Maths;
extending the curriculum to cater for individual pupil abilities and interests eg. A level Government and Politics is offered after school;
These pupils are identified through teachers’ professional judgement, academic monitoring through data analysis and tracking of progress, and awareness of a pupil’s level of involvement in both the extra-curricular life of the school and opportunities beyond it.

participation in community music events and mentoring junior pupils in Music;
membership of sports’ teams, participation in sporting competitions and regional sporting trials;
participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme;
participation in Volunteer Now;
various opportunities within the pastoral system to promote leaderships skills eg. Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies, Prefects, Peer Mentors, Students’ Council and the House System.